Dennis Fabrizi (B.Hum, B.Sc, M.A, PGCE)
The way this website has been constructed aims to offer the viewer an insight into how I came to interrogate my sense of being white by being guided and directed by the black gaze, the oppositional gaze, which highlights and exposes white supremacy . The insights presented have hopefully demonstrated the processes undertaken and at the same time provide any prospective inquirer, who maybe considering diversity training for their staff, an insight into how the training offered came about through my own search for a positive sense of being white (Daniel-Tatum, 1994).
With over 30 years experience of working in a number of related fields including teaching, childcare, youth work and housing my research interests are based around exploring the notion of whiteness and white identity formation through the deployment of the black, oppositional gaze (hooks, 1992). Because I make much about my own explorations into what it means to present and be white, I consider important to include my own story, my autobiography. This personal narrative, along with my CV should give a sense not only of my work experiences but also some insight into how I came be white.
Autobiography – My Facts of Whiteness | Training & Professional Services

A School photograph taken c.1967: Outside the church presbytery at St. Dominic Roman Catholic Primary School, Homerton, Hackney. (The author is top row, 5th from the left)
Full Curriculum Vitae provided upon request.