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Artworks, Illustrations & Credits

All copyrighted images and material have been credited where possible: otherwise; Homepage images:

  • Archibald J. Motley Jr., Street Scene, Chicago, 1936. Oil on canvas, 36 x 42 inches (91.4 x 106.7 cm). Private Collection, New York, New York. © Valerie Gerrard Browne.
  • Aaron Douglas, Song of the Towers, Aspects of Negro Life Series, 1934.
    oil on canvas, 9′ x 9′.Last known location (2003): Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture,
    Art and Artifacts Division, The New York Public Library,
    Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations.
  • Jean-Michel Basquiat, Profit I (1982), Private Collection.
  • Chris Ofili – No Woman, No Cry – detail 1998 – oil paint, acrylic paint, graphite, polyester resin, printed paper, glitter, map pins and elephant dung on canvas
  • Fela Kuti (source unknown)


Bibliography & Recommended Reading

Althusser, L. (1971): ‘Lenin And Philosophy And Other Essays’. (London, New Left Books).

Althusser, L. (1996): ‘Writings on Freud and Lacan’. (Columbia).

Anderson, b. (1983): ‘Imagined Communities: Reflections on The Origins and Spread of Nationalism.’ (Verso).

Apple, M.W. (2008): ‘Racisms, power, and contingency’, Race Ethnicity and Education, 11: 3, 329 —336

Aveling, N. (2004): ‘Being the descendant of colonialists: white identity in context’, Race Ethnicity and Education, 7:1 ,57 — 71

Aveling, N. (2006): ”Hacking at our very roots’: rearticulating White racial identity within the context of teacher education’, Race Ethnicity and Education, 9:3, 261 — 274

Baldwin, J (1954): ‘Go tell it on the Mountain’. (1991)

Baldwin, J (1954): ‘Nobody Knows my name: more Notes of a Native Son’. (Penguin, 1991)

Banton, m. and Harwood, J. (1975): ‘The Race Concept’. Newton Abbot, David and Charles.

Battaglia, D (1995): ‘Problematizing the self: a thematic introduction’ in

Battaglia, D. (ed.) ‘Rhetorics of Self-Making’, Berkeley, CA, University of California Press.

Bernel, M. (1987): ‘Black Athena; The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilisation’, Free Association Books.

Blaxter,L., Hughes,C. and Tight,M. et al. (1996): ‘How to Research’. Buckingham, Open University Press.

Bonnett, A. (2007): ‘White Studies revisited’, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 31:1,185 — 196

Braham, P, Ali Rattansi and Skellington R (1992): ‘Racism and Antiracism: Inequalities, Opportunities and policies’. Sage Publiciations, Open University 1992.

Cohen, P. (1988): ‘The perversions of inheritance: studies in the making of multi-racist Britain’ in Cohen, P. and Bains, H. (eds.) ‘Multi-Racist Britain’, Macmillian.

Cole, M. (2004): ”Brutal and stinking’ and ‘difficult to handle’: the historical and contemporary manifestations of racialisation, institutional racism, and schooling in Britain’, Race Ethnicity and Education,7:1,35 — 56

Donald, J and Ali Rattansi (1992): ‘Race’, Culture and difference’ . Sage publications, Open University, 1992.

Du Gay, P., Evans, J. and Redman, P. (eds.) (2000): ‘Identity a Reader’, Open University.

Dyer, R. (1997): ‘White’. (Routledge)

Equiano, O. (1996): ‘The Interesting Narrative and Other Writings’, (Harmondsworth, Penguin).

Frankenberg, R (ed) 1997: ‘Displacing Whiteness; Essays in Social and Cultural criticism. (Duke University Press)

Fanon, F. (1956): ‘Black skins, white masks’. (London, Pluto 1991)

Fanon, F. (1963): ‘The Wretched of the Earth’, (Penguin, 1990).

Foucault, M. (1970): ‘The Order of things’. (Tavistock)

Foucault, M. (1973):’the birth of the clinic’. (Tavistock)

Foucault, M. (1979): ‘Discipline and Punish-the birth of the prison’ (London, Penguin)

Foucault, M. (1989): ‘The Archaeology of Knowledge’ (London, Routledge)

Foucault, M. (1990): ‘The History of Sexuality vol. 1’ (London, Penguin)

Freud, S (1991): ‘On Sexuality’. (Penguin)

Fryer, P. (1984): ‘Staying Power: the history of black people in Britain’, (Pluto Press).

Giddens, A. (1994): ‘Modernity and Self-identity’. Cambridge, Polity Press.

Gillborn, D. (2008): ‘Tony Blair and the politics of race in education: whiteness, doublethink and New Labour’, Oxford Review of Education,34:6,713 — 725

Gillborn, D. (2005): ‘Education policy as an act of white supremacy: whiteness, critical race theory and education reform’, Journal of Education Policy,20:4,485 — 505

Gill, D, Mayor, B and Blair, M. (1992): ‘Racism and Education: Structures and Strategies’. Sage Publications, Open University, 1992.

Gilroy, p. (1993): ‘The Black Atlantic; Modernity and Double Consciousness’. London, Verso.

Gilroy, P. (1997): ‘Diaspora and the Detours of Identity’. In ‘Identity and Difference’. Woodward, K (ed), Open University.

Gilman, s: (1985): ‘Black Bodies, White Bodies: Toward an Incongraphy of Female Sexuality in Late Nineteenth-Century Art, Medicine, and Literature’.

In Gates h.l, Jr (ed) ‘Race, Writing, and Difference’, Chicago.

Haley, A and Malcolm X. (1964): ‘The Autobiography of Malcolm X’, Penguin.

Hall, S. (1996): ‘Who Needs ‘Identity’?’. In Du Gay, P, Evans, J and Redman, P (eds.) ‘Identity a Reader’, Open University 2000.

Hennis, W. (2000): ‘Max Weber’s Theme: Personality   and Life Orders’. In Offprint 3.6 (Course material for ‘Identity in Question’. Open University 2000)

Hart, c. (1998): ‘Doing a Literature Review’. (Sage Publications,1998).

Jacobs, H. (1861): ‘Incidents in The Life of a Slave Girl’. (Dover)

James, c.L.r. (1938): ‘The Black Jacobins: Toussaint L’Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution’, Allison and Busby, 1989.

Lacan, J. (1936): ‘The Mirror Stage as Formative of the Function of the I as Revealed in Psychoanalytic Experience.’ In Du Gay, P, Evans, J and Redman, P (eds.) ‘Identity a Reader’, Open University, 2000.

Ladson-Billings, G. (2009): ”Who you callin’ nappy-headed?’ A critical race theory look at the construction of Black women’, Race Ethnicity and Education, 12: 1, 87 — 99

Lorimer, D. (1978): ‘Colour, Class and the Victorians’, Leicester University Press.


MacPherson W et al (1999): ‘Inquiry into the death of Stephen Lawrence’. HMSO 1999.

Malik, k. (1996): ‘The Meaning of Race’, Macmillan, 1996.

Mercer, C. (ed) (1974): ‘The African Origin of Civilisation: Myth or reality’: Cheikh Anta Diop, Lawerence Hill & Co.

Mauss, M. (1973): ‘Body Techniques’. In Offprint 3.3 (Course material for ‘Identity In Question’, Open University 2000)

Mauss, M. (1985/1938): ‘A Category Of The Human Mind: The Notion Of ‘Person’; The Notion Of ‘Self’. In Du Gay, P, Evans, J and Redman, P (eds.) ‘Identity a Reader’, Open University 2000.

Mercer, k. (1994): ‘Welcome To The Jungle’, Routledge.

Mitchell, j. (ed) (1986): ‘The Selected Melanie Klein’, Harmondsworth, Penguin.

Mills, C. W. (1997): ‘The Racial Contract’. Cornell University.

Morgan, P.D. and Hawkins, S (2006): ‘Black Experience and The Empire’. (Oxford University Press).

Nayak, A. (2006): ‘After race: Ethnography, race and post-race theory’, Ethnic and Racial Studies,29:3,411 — 430

Pakenham, T (1992): The Scramble for Africa: White Man’s Conquest of the Dark Continent from 1876-1912. ( Avon Books)

Oakley, A. (1981): ‘Subject Women’. (Oxford: Martin Robertson).

Raible, J. and Irizarry, J.G. (2007): ‘Transracialized selves and the emergence of post-white teacher identities’, Race Ethnicity and Education,10:2, 177 — 198

Race Relations Amendment Act 2001: HMSO.

Rose, J. (1986): ‘Feminine Sexuality’.   In Du Gay, P, Evans, J and

Redman, P (eds.) Identity a Reader, Open University 2000.

Redman, P. (2000). ‘Study Guide Block 1’. In Du Gay, P, Evans, J and

Redman, P (eds.) ‘Identity a Reader’, Open University, 2000.

Ringrose, J. (2007): ‘Rethinking white resistance: exploring the discursive practices and psychical negotiations of ‘whiteness’ in feminist, anti-racist education’, Race Ethnicity and Education,10:3, 33 — 344

Rivière, D. (2008): ‘Whiteness in/and education’, Race Ethnicity and Education, 11:4, 355 — 368

Rose, N.(       ): ‘Identity / Genealogy / History’. In Du Gay, P, Evans, J and Redman, P (eds.) ‘Identity a Reader’, Open University 2000.

Said, E (1995): ‘Orientalism’. (Penguin).

Sancho, I. (1782): ‘Letters of the late Ignatius Sancho, An African’. (Penguin 1998)

Scarman, THE. RT. HON. LORD (1982): The Scarman Report, (Harmondsworth, Penguin).

Skellington, R and Morris, P (1992): ‘Race’ in Britain Today’. (Sage publications, OU 1992).

Silverman, K. (1983): ‘The Subject’ (The Lacanian Model)’, (Open University 1999).

Solomona, P.R., Portelli, J.P., Daniel, B-J and Campbell, A (2005): ‘The discourse of denial: how white teacher candidates construct race, racism and ‘white privilege”, Race Ethnicity and Education,8:2,147 — 169

Strand, S. (2007): ‘Minority ethnic pupils in the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England’. (DCSF Research Report RR-002. London: Department for Children, Schools and Families). Available online at:

Thiering, B. (1992): ‘Jesus the Man; A New interpretation from the Dead Sea Scrolls’. (Doubleday)

Thomas, H. (1997): ‘The Slave Trade: The History of the Atlantic Slave Trade 1440-1870’, Picador.

 Twine, F.W. and Gallagher, C. (2007): ‘The future of whiteness: a map of the ‘third wave”, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 31:1, 4 — 24

Weber, M. (1994/1919): ‘The Profession And Vocation Of Politics’. In Du Gay, P, Evans, J and Redman, P (eds.) ‘Identity a Reader’, Open University 2000.

Weber, M. (1930): ‘The Religious Foundations Of Worldly Asceticism. Offprints 3.5 . (Course Material, for ‘Identity in Question’, Open University 2000).

Winnicott, D.W. (1971): ‘Playing and Reality’. Harmondsworth, Penguin.

Woodson, C.G. (2000): ‘The Mis-Education of the Negro’. (African American Images).

If you have any recommendations for further reading or websites, please feel free to send me a Tweet